US Friends of ERAN, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization that supports ERAN, an Israeli volunteer organization that provides a confidential lifesaving mental health crisis line to Israelis via phone 24/7 and Online via Chat, Mail and Forum, free of charge, anonymously, and confidentially. 

US Friends of ERAN, Inc. provides financial support to ERAN Israel and provides operational support by recruiting volunteers and programs for the US chapters of ERAN.

Youth and Teenagers

Many teens face difficulties and pressures in their daily routine at school, at home, with friends, and in the virtual world of social networks. 

These difficulties and pressures can be emotionally troublesome and disruptive.

Emotional distress can be alleviated by a person who understands and supports these difficulties and pressures. We invite young people of all ages to contact us and talk to our volunteers on any topic that concerns you. 

Our volunteers will listen to you and think together with you about ways to deal with your problem.

The calls are completely anonymous and are available toll-free at *1201 or through an online chat, email or SMS. 

Suicide Prevention

Every 40 seconds, someone in the world commits suicide, and every 41 seconds, there are shattered people left behind, trying to find a reason for it. In Israel, not a day goes by without the suicide of at least one person, hundreds of people every year.

Some are well-known people, arousing media interest and water fountain conversations, while others remain anonymous among the general public in their deaths as in their lives. What they all have in common is the terrible emotional pain they wanted to stop at all costs and the miserable way they did it. 

In the vast majority of cases, suicide is preventable, and suicide prevention is not reserved for professionals alone.

Mental first aid services via telephone and the Internet are an essential and unique source of suicide prevention and suicide attempts worldwide.

The activity to reduce suicides and suicide attempts is intended to prevent suffering and pain for all circles close to the suicidal person since each suicide case leaves behind a "scorched earth" in that person's immediate environment, affecting the lives and well-being of thousands of people over the years.

Every year, Eran volunteers respond to and support hundreds of thousands of calls. Preliminary classification of calls by risk level shows that, out of all calls, thousands of calls were defined as suicidal,  and hundreds of suicidal incidents required the operation of a life-saving emergency procedure.

Friends and family of a person in crisis also need support so they can be there for them. Don't be left alone with the pain and distress – contact ERAN by phone and online for information and help.

Holocaust Survivors

Helpline for Holocaust survivors and their families

Dial toll-free from any phone to 1201 extension 4 or dial 1-800-24-1201

ERAN operates a special helpline that is available and accessible, that provides psychological assistance and emotional support to Holocaust survivors and senior citizens.

ERAN volunteers, who have undergone specialized professional training by the best experts in the field, provide mental first aid and an attentive ear to Holocaust survivors and their family members, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The service is national, anonymous, does not require identification, and is provided in the following languages: Hebrew, English, and Russian.

ERAN provides three assistance channels:

Providing emotional support: a listening ear, encouragement, calming, and motivation to think about possible ways of dealing with the difficulty.

Providing information about community services for Holocaust survivors and, when necessary, referring interested applicants to further treatment by all the treatment bodies entrusted with the treatment of Holocaust survivors

Carrying out weekly initiated calls to Holocaust survivors who are interested, as part of a structured program to alleviate loneliness. As part of the program, ERAN volunteers proactively and regularly make telephone contact once a week at a pre-arranged time with the survivors and talk to them about their day and any topic they choose.

ERAN in North America and Australia 

Remote support community

ERAN currently lacks hundreds of volunteers to respond to all calls during all hours of the day, 365 days a year.

In recent years, we have encountered difficulty staffing the hotline in the early hours of the morning (Israel time), hours when there are many applicants expecting support and a listening ear. This is where Israelis living in North America and Australia come into the picture. The goal is to staff the hotline with Israeli volunteers who speak Hebrew in these communities and use the time zone differences to cover the late-night and early-morning shifts.

ERAN, in partnership with community organizations in various communities around the world, such as the Israeli-American Council, Sid Jacobson JCC on Long Island, NY, and the ICC@JCC in Palo Alto, is working to recruit and train volunteers to establish additional branches around the world and expand the activities in the existing branches.

The volunteers go through a special online training that includes theoretical material and a practical workshop, and at the end of it, they will respond to late-night calls in Israel time, when the distress is great and many expect support.

ERAN currently has 8 active branches around the world with about 160 volunteers.

7  branches are in North America (Toronto, Palo Alto, New York, New Jersey, Las Vegas, Seattle, and Boston), and a new branch opened in Australia.

Eran’s Hotline for Soldiers 

Someone is always here for you 24/7

The period of military service summons difficulties and special pressures.

Soldiers and their families who may be in distress can call up ERAN to chat and consult.

ERAN operates a dedicated hotline for Soldiers and Lone Soldiers in Active Military Service and their families.

English at *1201 ext.10 

Hebrew at *1201 ext. 5

Making Aliyah is complicated and stressful in times of emergency. 

It is important that you know you're not alone.

The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration and the ERAN association are aware of the many difficulties and mental pressures that accompany the process of aliyah and integrating into Israel.

  We offer free and anonymous emotional support and professional psychological assistance for Olim and Returning Residents.

The service is provided in various languages so that you can express the difficulties you are facing in your own language and share and ease some of the difficulties, even slightly.

If you are overwhelmed, lost, or lonely come talk to us in your own language.

The service is active on Sunday – Saturday between 10:00-22:00 in the following languages: English, Russian, Amharic, French and Spanish


عيران باللغة العربية خط المساندة النفسية الاولية 1201 تحويلة رقم 2

ايضا الاشخاص الاقوياء تجتاحهم لحظات ضعف.

الرد الهاتفي التابع لجمعية عيران مخصص لكل  افراد  المجتمع العربي بجميع اطيافه . بامكان كل شخص التوجه الينا هاتفيا وتلفي المساعدة من قبل متطوع مهني  مختص .

 الخط  يوفر الخدمه النفسيه لكل المتوجهين صغارا وكبارا حيث يمكنكم المشاركة باحاسيسكم ، افكاركم،  مخاوفكم وكل ما يختلج  صدوركم من مشاعر ، احاسيس  ومخاوف ، يمكنكم المشاركه ايضا  بعلاقاتكم مع من حولكم ، مع اصدقاؤكم ، اموركم العائلية ، اموركم الدراسية والمهنية ، ابضا بضائقة نفسيه ، اجتماعية او باي موضوع اخر . 

 من يتلقى مكالماتكم هم متطوعات ومتطوعين متكلمي اللغة العربية  من قبل جمعية عيران حيث  يمكنكم الاتصال او ترك رسالة ونحن بدورنا نقوم بالرد على رسائلكم  الصوتية. 

 كادر المتطوعات والمتطوعين لدينا يتمتعون بمهارات الاصغاء، الاحتواء  وحب العطاء  لمساعدتكم. 

 نحن نلتزم

اذا قررتم  التوجة لتلقي المسانده من عيران لكم الحق بالخصوصية والسرية بعدم الفصح عن هويتكم الشخصية  او حق الاختيار بخصوص اعطاء  المعلومات الشخصية  عنكم .

المتطوعات والمتطوعين لدينا   لا يكشفون تفاصيل شخصية  ولا يفصحون عن هويتهم او هوية متطوعين اخرين وملتزمون بعدم نشر معلومات تخص المتصل وملزمون بالحفاظ على السرية وعدم نشر   مضامين المكالمة الهاتفية .

 باستطاعتنا تقييم مدى الخطورة على حياة  المتوجهين ونعمل جاهدين لانقاذهم . 

للتاكيد … المكالمات سربة للغاية  بامكانكم الاتصال على الرقم 1201, تحويلة  رقم 2  او التوجهه عبر الانترنيت( باللغه العبريه ) : 

צ'אט אונליין, וואטסאפ, פורום, פנייה לעזרה במייל או באמצעות מסרוני SMS.

 متطوعينا جاهزون للاصغاء لكم ولمساعدتكم بايجاد سبل   لمواجهة المشكلة او الازمة النفسية التي تمرون بها. 

Coronavirus Anxiety Helpline

The Eran helpline is following the Coronavirus pandemic

Talk to us:  call 1201 ext. 10 or Chat on our website

ERAN's helpline is anonymous and open to you 24/7!Ano

Anxiety levels rising due to coronavirus 

Dr. Shiri Daniels advises:

  Facebook ERAN USA   Facebook ERAN Israel
